e-Procurement System


e-Procurement or e-Government procurement (e-GP) is defined as the collaborative use of information and communication technologies in conducting ethical procurement activities ensuring good governance and value for money in public procurement. Adoption of Bon Maximus E-Procurement system offers numerous benefits to State/Federal Government as a client and their contractors, consultants and suppliers doing business with the State. The system will reduce time and stress in procurement and allows digitization of all procurement processes such as; e-registration, online tender advertisement, online tender fee payment, tender documents downloading, online bids submission and semi-automated evaluations of technical and financial bids to help MDAs in selecting the most responsive bidder and awarding contracts. It grants easy access to past and current procurement data/records in the system.

Our e-Procurement Modules

1. E-Registration for all MDAs and Contractors/Consultants/Suppliers

2. E-Procurement Planning

3. E-Publishing/Notification

4. E-Tendering

5. E-Evaluation and Awarding

6. Certificate of No Object

7. E-Contract Management

8. Business intelligence reporting & dashboards

Who can use our e-Procurement System

1. Government MDAs (Ministries, Departments & Agencies)

2. Private Companies & Organizations

3. Contractors, Suppliers & Consultants

4. Project Sponsors & Financiers

5. Civil society organizations and general public

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